Thursday, March 11, 2010

Horton plains - The Heaven's branch on earth!

Horton plains is one of the most enchanted places you can find in Sri lanka and is the only park in the country that visitors are allowed to walk.As mentioned in the post on Nuwaraeliya it is located in the Nuwaraeliya district and is one of the places someone should visit at the hill country.It is also one of the most popular places among the foreigners as it has a very comfortable,cold weather through out the year,thus most Europeans and Americans prefer to stay at Horton plains.

It is a well known fact that most of the rivers(main 3 rivers other than the Kalu river) in Sri lanka are started at the Horton plains as it is a very pure,cold and well preserved untouched part of the Hill country(to get an idea about Sri lankan rivers please read the post on Mahaweli river).The green untouched nature of the Horton plains plays a major role in attracting visitors towards it and it competes with all the other beautiful locations in the world for the most beautiful scenes.Watch a video

Though every where your eye catches at Horton plains make you feel like walking in the heaven,
there are few places you should not miss,like

  • the worlds end(the most acute angle and the gap between two locations within Sri lanka that makes you to think you have come to the end of the world!)
  • Bakers water fall (one of the most enchanted water falls you will find even you travel all around the world)watch a video on Bakers falls
  • Kirigalpoththa and thotupola the 2nd and 3rd highest mountains in Sri lanka respectively.

The park is one of the places in Sri lanka with the most varied bio diversities and is consist of various beautiful species of animals and trees.While leopard,Sambhur and wild boar are the most common large mammals in the park,black napped hare,giant squirrel,endemic bear,monkey and otter are not uncommon.Due to the wetness within the Horton plains throughout the year by the northeast,southwest monsoons and the inter monsoonal rains,various types of ferns and orchids and reptiles and amphibians are remarkably high that leads to bring a lot of scientists to the park from various parts of the world.It is also a well known fact that Horton plains is filled with different varieties of beautiful and colourful flowers throughout the year.

Things which will bring joy to you at Horton plains would be
  1. beautiful landscapes
  2. camping
  3. Hiking
  4. birds and other flora


  1. I would love to go there it looks beautiful....

  2. I need to travel more.
