Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another name for refreshment - King coconut (Tambili)

It is a well known fact that unlike artificial soft drinks,natural drinks are very good and nutrious for your body.Like artificial ones,natural drinks don't contain unnecessarily high amounts of sugar which very unhealthy and are not carbonated which can enhances gastric reflux thus causes regurgitation which leads to uncomfort.

What comes to our mind under natural drinks are fruit drinks.People have to pluck the fruits first then have to do processing of some kind to make a drink out of it.It is also a well known fact that during this processing,some amount of it's nutrients will be lost.

Because Sri lanka is a tropical island,we have coconut trees all around the country.King coconut is another variety of the coconut family and the water inside it is very delicious as well as nutritious.The most important fact about the King coconut is that you can drink straight from it without doing any kind of processing.After drinking the water(which is cool and refreshing), you can cut open the King coconut and eat the pulp as well,which is really very tasty.

We Sri lankans consider King coconut as something gifted to us by the great Nature as,the relief and refreshment it gives is immense during hot sweaty days.If you ever visit Sri lanka,drink a King coconut and see how it feels like.

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