Friday, January 22, 2010

Resplendency - Dunhinda Waterfalls

Dunhinda is another large and beautiful waterfall situated in Sri lanka.It is located about 10km from the Badulla town which is the head city of Uva province.Though the water fall is not as tall as other waterfalls in Sri lanka like Aberdeen or Diyaluma,beauty wise it gives a good competition to any waterfall.

On the way to watch Dunhinda you will get a bonus because you will encounter another beautiful waterfall similar to Dunhinda but smallet than it so is called "kudaa Dunhinda"('kudaa' means small in sinhala).

Unlike most of the other waterfalls dunhinda makes its water to spread wide which makes the surrounding envirounment misty.Because of this phenomenon you "feel" the waterfall than any other falls you might have visited.This vapour or mist is the meaning of "Dun" in sinhala so you can see how the name of this waterfall has been made.

Do you know that there are more than 40 waterfalls in Sri lanka? visit
Sri lankan Waterfalls

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