Friday, January 22, 2010

Our national bird "Ceylon jungle fowl"

Ceylon jungle fowl(Sri lankans call it "Walikukula") is a very colourful and elegant looking bird which has the distinction of being the National bird of Sri lanka.This beautiful cock is native to Sri lanka and as you might know Sri lanka once had been named as Ceylon and that's how this creature has had its name.It eats seeds,grains and insects and it mostly lives on trees.
Because this bird is extremely shy,so it's almost never found as pets in households.Though Ceylon jungle fowl can be found at national parks and jungles all over the country,it's mostly seen at the dry Zone.Ceylon jungle fowl is closely related to the common red jungle fowl but you can identify it by reddish orange legs,head topped with a comb which is slightly jagged and the spot of bright yellow on it's comb.

want to watch a video of this beautiful bird? please visit
watch Ceylon jungle fowl video

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