Thursday, January 21, 2010

want to go to heaven before you die? visit Srilanka

Are you planning to spend your vacation some where you have never been before?In what kind of an environment do you like to spend it?should it be warm?should there be a beautiful beach?you like mountains?waterfalls? places with ancient values?rivers?forest?animal watching?you name it...Sri lanka has them all.

Sri lanka is an island which is situated just below India(if you look in a map).The beauty of Sri lanka is that its variation.different ethnic groups live in harmony in this beautiful island...after the war has been ended(it was really a humanitarian issue to rescue innocent civilians by Sri lankan Forces...cannot be called as a war) now there is no risk for anyone to visit this beautiful island.

want to visit places with ancient values?In Sri lanka you can go to Anuradhapura,Polonnaruwa,Seegiriya and many more places which are all ancient kingdoms with lots of ancient values....
if you want to see tea estates and want to spend your time without some hot sunshine you can go to Nuwaraeliya... you will come across many beautiful water falls as well, on the way to Nuwaraeliya from Colombo.
What is the use of your visit if you don't see some don't forget to visit Pinnawela as well where you will see the most number of elephants at one place in your life.
The most valuable advantage of visiting Sri lanka is that you don't have to spend much time to shift from one place to can admire the most beautiful beach in the world at Nilaweli(i am pretty sure its the best beach)and see some tea estates and water falls or see the beauty of ancient Anuradhapura city after some 6to 8 hour of travel by a vehicle.its the beauty of it...
If you have decided to visit this beautiful island or even considering it, feel free to ask any thing regarding our country here..thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Nice informative article...Sri Lanka is undoubtedly one of the most inviting tourist destinations. I have been there two times. second time, i went via and had an awesome experience. I enjoyed the whole trip with a carefree attitude without any tension. The experience was so gud that after that i organize my trips through this traveling portal only.
