Saturday, January 23, 2010

NuwaraEliya - A landscape filled with pure elegance

If you are someone with a hunger for very good scenes of nature,you are more than welcome to the city NuwaraEliya.It is one of Sri lanka's most beautiful cities.NuwaraEliya is situated in the hill country and is around 2000m above from the sea level.

If you get tired by the rough sunrays and the hot climate of Sri lanka's costal areas and wishing to have some cool breeze for sometime,NuwaraEliya is the place for you.The temperature of NuwaraEliya ranges from 14-21 Celsius throughout the year.
Architecture of NuwaraEliya mimics of an English town made with some red brick walls country house like hill club and mock -Tudor half timberline.

As once Exportation of tea was the main source of income of the country(you may have enjoyed a Sri lankan tea)NuwaraEliya gave a great amount of income to Sri lanka as it is the heart of the tea industry as it is filled with many tea estates.It is very difficult to give a list of places where you should visit at NuwaraEliya as there is a lot.Some very important ones would be
  • Hakgala park
  • NuwaraEliya Victoria park
  • Ramboda falls
  • Devon falls
  • Hortan plains
  • Mepilimana lake
During the April season,the whole NuwaraEliya town becomes a carnival city as it fills with lots and lots of various coloured beautiful flowers.So most locals and foreigners prefer visiting NuwaraEliya during this season.Know more.....

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